(profileList, labelList, dashList, line_width, annotationList, title, xlabel, ylabel, legend_loc)¶ Options for setting up a plot in a figure.
Parameters: - profileList (list) – A list of [x,y] data series (profiles) to be plotted together
- labelList (list) – A list of strings which label the profiles
- dashList (list) – A list of integer lists which specify the dash properties for each profile
- annotationList (list) – A list of annotations to be added to the plot
- line_width (int) – The thickness of the lines on the plot
- title (string) – The title to be given to the figure
- xlabel (string) – The label for the x-axis
- ylabel (string) – The label for the y-axis
- legend_loc (string) – A string specifying the location of the legend, e.g. “upper left”
(profList, delay, buffer, num_periods, plot_line_width)¶ Parameters: - profList (in) – a list of
to be plotted - delay (in) – a delay structure as generated from
- buffer (in) – a buffer structure as generated from
- num_periods (in) – how many periods the plot covers
- plot_line_width (in) – how thick the lines for each plot should be
- profList (in) – a list of
(pOptionsList)¶ This function makes a figure for each PlotOptions object it receives in the list.
Parameters: pOptionsList (list) – A list of PlotOptions
describing the figures to be drawn
(annotation)¶ Adds an annotation to the currently active figure.
Parameters: list annotation (in) – a list()
of the form [ <string>, <x position>, <y position> ]
(title, ylabel, xlabel, legend_loc)¶ Configure the figure’s options
Parameters: - title (string) – The title to be given to the figure
- xlabel (string) – The label for the x-axis
- ylabel (string) – The label for the y-axis
- legend_loc (string) – A string specifying the location of the legend, e.g. “upper left”
()¶ Disable the numbers on the x and y axes.