Network Profile

Network Profile implements the Profile class. This class provides all the members and functions neccessary to model, compose, and analyze network profiles for applications and systems.

class Profile(kind=None, period=0, priority=0, node=0, flow_type=None, num_periods=1, sender_names=[])

Profile contains the information about a single network profie. A network profile has a kind (e.g. ‘provided’), a period (in seconds), and a lists of relevant data vs time series (e.g. bandwidth, latency, data, etc.).

  • kind (string) – what kind of profile is it?
  • period (double) – what is the periodicity (in seconds) of the profile
  • priority (int) – what is the priority of the flow in the system
  • source (int) – what is the node id from which the data on this profile will be sent
  • dest (int) – what is the node id to which the data on this profile will be sent
field_delimeter = ','

Sepearates fileds in a line in a profile file

header_delimeter = '#'

Denotes headers (profile properties) in a profile file

comment_delimeter = '%'

Denotes commends in the profile file

line_delimeter = '\n'

Splits lines in a profile file

special_delimeters = ['#', '%']

Strip lines starting with these delimeters to get just profile data

interpolated_profiles = ['data', 'latency']

Which profiles are interpolated between points

kind = None

The kind of this profile, e.g. ‘required’

period = None

The length of one period of this profile

priority = None

The priority of the profile; relevant for ‘required’ profiles

node_id = None

The node ID which is the source of this profile

flow_type = None

This flow is the reciever for which sender flows?

entries = None

Dictionary of ‘type name’ : ‘list of [x,y] points’ k:v pairs


Parses information from the profile’s header if it exists:

  • period
  • priority
  • node ID
  • flow_type (for matching senders <–> receivers)
  • profile kind (provided, required, receiver, output, leftover)

A profile header is at the top of the file and has the following syntax:

# <property> = <value>

Builds the entries from a properly formatted CSV file. Internally calls Profile.ParseFromString().


Builds the entries from a string (line list of csv’s formatted as per ParseEntriesFromLine()).


Builds the [time, value] list for each type of value into entries:

  • slope
  • max slope
  • latency

These values are formatted in the csv as:

<time>, <slope>, <max slope>, <latency>

Remove duplicate entries by time stamp.


Remove sequential entries which have the same slope.


Make sure all entries have a start time of 0.


Copy the current profile entries over some number of its periods.


Integrates the slope entries to produce data entries up to time


Derives the slope entries from the data entries


Returns True if the profile is of type kind, False otherwise.


Set the kind of the profile.


Shrink the profile to be <= t.


Compose this profile with an input profile by adding their slopes together.

Return type:Profile

Compose this profile with an input profile by subtracting the input profile’s slopes.

Return type:Profile

Return matplotlib plottable x and y series for the slope of the profile.


Return matplotlib plottable x and y series for the data of the profile.

GetValueAtTime(key, t, interpolate=True)

Return the value at time t from series key, optionally interpolating between.


Returns a string version of the profile, with all values properly tabulated.

Return type:string()
Parameters:prefix (in) – string to be prepended to every line of the returned string.
ConvertToNC(filterFunc, step=0)

Perform time-window based integration to generate a Network Calculus curve from the profile. The conversion is configurable based on time-window step-size and a filter function (e.g. min or max). Passing max() will create an arrival curve, while passing min() will create a service curve.

Return type:Profile, the network-calculus version of the self profile


Requires the profile to have been integrated


Compute the maximum horizontal distance between this profile and the input profile.

This function implements the operation (see Mathematical Formalism):

delay = sup\{l^{-1}[y]-r^{-1}[y] : y \in \mathbb{N}\}


  • l^{-1}[y] is the inverse map of the ouptut profile, e.g. a function mapping output data to time
  • r^{-1}[y] is the inverse map of the required profile, e.g. a function mapping required data to time
Return type:list() of the form:
[ <time>, <data>, <length of delay> ]
Parameters:output (in) – a Profile describing the output profile

Compute the maximum vertical distance between this profile and the input profile.

This function implements the operation (see Mathematical Formalism):

buffer= sup\{r[t] - l[t] : t \in \mathbb{N}\}


Return type:list() of the form:
[ <time>, <data>, <size of the buffer> ]
Parameters:output (in) – a Profile describing the output profile

Compute the delayed profile composed of self profile and delayProf, received by a node for which this self profile is the output profile on the sender side. The delay profile describes the delay as a function of time for the link.

This function implements the operation:

o[t + \delta[t]] = l[t]


  • \delta[t] is the delay profile
  • l[t] is the profile transmitted into the link (self)
  • o[t] is the output profile received at the other end of the link
Return type:Profile, o[t]
Parameters:delayProf (in) – Profile describing the delay

Use min-plus calculus to convolve this required profile with an input provided profile.

This function implements the operation (see Mathematical Formalism):

y=l[t] &= (r \otimes p)[t] = min( r[t] , p[t] - (p[t-1] -l[t-1]) )


  • r[t] is the data profile required by the application (self)
  • p[t] is the data profile provided by the node’s link
  • l[t] is the data profile transmitted onto the link
Return type:Profile, l[t]
Parameters:provided (in) – a Profile describing the node’s provided link profile