.. _users: Using the Code ============== **THIS SECTION IS NOT COMPLETE** Explain here how to use the code with specific references to the API and give an example to help people set up an example system and analyze it The Analysis Tool ----------------- The analysis tool is a python library which implements both the Network Calculus and MAReN techniques described :ref:`above<network-performance-analysis>`. Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 0. Install tabulate for nice formatting of the output: ``sudo pip install tabulate`` 1. Download the analysis tool from the `CBSAT repo <https://github.com/finger563/cbsat/releases>`_. The Middleware -------------- .. note:: The middleware is C++ and supports Linux. Compilation ^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. To Build the client and server test of the middleware, run from a terminal: ``make`` Congratulations! The set-up of the analysis tool and the middleware are complete!